Our Teachers

Brenda Leigh teaches oils and acrylics, as well as pastels and drawing.
A Florida native growing up in Ft. Lauderdale, Brenda Leigh attended the University of Florida and the Laguna Beach College of Art in CA.
As a professional artist, she has worked with Interior designers as an Artist to the trade; was a scenic painter for many feature films; and is a professional muralist.
Brenda has lived in the US Virgin Islands and Hawaii. She moved to Florida and has called Stuart, Florida “home” since 2000.
Some of Brenda Leigh’s many achievements include Public Art here in Martin County, Florida.
Stuart Beach Mosaics
the TREE in Memorial Park, Stuart, Florida
Murals in The Cummings Library, The Environmental Studies Center, and Downtown Stuart, Florida

Carol Kepp is a graduate of The Cleveland Institute of Art. After a successful career in advertising, Carol decided to return to Fine Art.
Moving to Florida’s east coast, Carol studied with Ted Goerschner, a professional artist. His influence on Carol resulted in her Impressionistic style. Her love of the ocean and it’s colors are evident in her Seascapes.
During 2006 to 2013, Carol painted The Holy Trinity at St Martin de Porres Church in Jensen Beach FL. This 30ft by 9.5ft painting is above the Altar. There are also 5 additional religious paintings, each 10 by 9.5 ft.
Carol Kepp’s work has been featured in:
The Helping People Succeed calendar
The Palm Room Harbour Bay Plaza, Sewall’s Point FL
The Elliott Museum Stuart FL
The Abbot Tract Artist Gallery St. Augustine FL
The Backus Gallery Ft. Pierce FL
The Florida State Capitol Gallery Tallahassee FL

Loretta McCarthy has dabbled in the arts most of her life. A Clinical Social Worker by profession, Loretta believes that artistic expression nurtures and fuels the heart and soul. Over the years she has created numerous works in oil and watercolor and has placed in regional, juried art exhibits. Also a skilled crafts woman, she has produced carved leather goods, cut and pierced lampshades and many hand painted home decor items. Since retiring from social work, Loretta has been dedicated to honing her watercolor skills. For two years she was privately coached by a well respected regional artist and subsequently has taken numerous workshops from nationally and internationally acclaimed watercolorists. She continues to speak passionately about watercolor. She loves the fluidity and experiences great joy in letting the paint, like life itself, take its own course and find beauty in both the ordinary and unexpected. She welcomes her latest venture of sharing her skills with other artists at Hobe Sound Fine Arts League.

Patricia Pasbrig
Patricia Pasbrig lived in many places through the years and though each at different stages of her life, art was always in her heart. Creativity never stopped, but her hearing slowly did, eventually becoming deaf for 20 years. Painting was her therapy and paintings became the words she could not hear or say. She was blessed to be able to get a Cochlear Implant enabling her to hear and converse with others. With her new ear she found self-confidence again by taking art classses, meeting other artists, and volunteering at Milan Art Institute while learning to be social again. During this time Patricia loosened her brushstrokes, learned different techniques and established herself as an artist.
Her painted and sculptured mixed media creations utilize acrylic and oil paints, acrylic mediums papers, Apoxie Sculpt, and collected items for texture in her contemporary impressionism realist art. She also teaches drawing through use of pencil, charcoal, colored pencils, pastels and watercolor pencils.

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Christina van Vliet Rynasko graduated from The New Institute of Technology in NY with a BFA in Computer Graphics and Illustration. She also has a degree in Education from IRSC in Florida.
A former NYC and Martin County Florida Art teacher, Christina taught Art at Hobe Sound Elementary for 12 years and has been teaching the Children’s Program at HSFAL for 8 years.
Christina enjoys teaching in a variety of mediums, as well as working with clay. She is an inspiration to our youth and nurtures their love and appreciation of Art while encouraging her students to develop their own unique artistic talents.

Our Weekly Classes
Monday 9-12pm | WATERCOLOR
$25 per class, non-member $35
Instructor: Loretta McCarthy
Monday 1-4pm | OIL
$25 per class, non-member $35
Instructor: Carol Kepp
Tuesday 9:00 - 12:00 pm | MIXED MEDIA-Drawing
$25 per class, non-member $35
Instructor: Patricia Pasbrig
Wednesday 1-4pm | OIL
$25 per class, non-member $35
Instructor: Carol Kepp
Thursday 1:00pm-4:00 pm | OPEN STUDIO-
$25 per class, non-member $35
Instructor: Brenda Leigh
Sunday 9-11 am Children's Mixed Media
Instructor: class temporarily suspended.